Christ Broadcasting Television Network Inc, began its journey into the broadcast world after 40 days of prayers and fasting on March 17th, 2007. After 40 days praying and fasting, God opened a door for Rev. Dr. Isaac Luk, into the broadcast arena, through The Omaha Community Telecast Inc, (Cti22), as it was known back in the days past, before its current name changed, to KPAO Channel 22. Dr. Luk, preached the Gospel and his wife, Mrs. Hellen Luk, on Cti22, for three years, coming live on CTI 22, every Saturday, Thursday, from 9:00pm- 10:00 Pm, sharing the Gospel with the Omaha Community audiences. This went on for years, and God mightily used them. The City of Omaha took over the channel, and Rev. Dr. Isaac Luk, and his wife, moved on, after prayers, God directed them to start a new Television Broadcast, with a mandate to bring togethers leaders of the Christian faith, through media, and share their sermons with the global community. And on April 24th, 2014, Christ Broadcasting Television Network Inc, was formed, now broadcasting live to thousands of audiences around the world through social media, Facebook, reaching people around the world.
Christ Broadcasting Television Network Inc., is training the next generations of leaders to stand firm in their faith, through live broadcast, and topical teaching on various areas of Christian leadership and trainings.
Christ Broadcasting Television Network Inc, broadcast a weekly sermons on Social media to thousands of people around the world through in-studio Live Telecast.